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Move to a better future

Buy - Sell - Invest


Top Real Estate 


What Makes Vancouver a Gem of City?

Vancouver, British Columbia, is home to some of the most valued  real estate in the world.  This vibrant and diverse city is known for its majestic mountains, beautiful beaches, entertaining night life, high end shopping districts and most importantly the people.

If you are looking to move to a better future, Vancouver is the place to be.

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Top Agent Magazine - Featured Agent 

"It is a honor to just to be nominated"

Steven is “not the typical agent”. Truly passionate about what he does for a living, Steven has earned his stellar and ever-growing reputation as a trusted, honest and dependable real estate advisor for his many grateful buyers and sellers.

“Sellers want to be sure they get the most value for their home. To achieve that result, they need a knowledgeable agent”.

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Real Estate Tips

Buying a new home is one of your biggest investments.  Knowing when, where and for how much will save you thousands of dollars.

To sell your property at “TOP PRICE” you will need the experience, knowledge and skills I offer.

Vancouver is a unique market consistently earning the sophisticated investor 30% ROI.  You just need to know where to invest. 

You can sell your property privately through my vast network of local and international buyers.

Promote and sell your assignment through my network.

Build your custom built dream home today!

Contact Me

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Multiple Realty Ltd. 2298 Kingsway Street, Vancouver, BC, V5N 5M9

Steven Dong - REALTOR®

(236) 999 - 3333

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